Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Shoes

I feel as if I should be more excited about my new shoes.  After our 6 mile run on Saturday from Garry Gribbles Running Store, we all got new shoes.  I know exactly why I am not excited.  Even though I wore them running this morning and they feel like heaven, I just can't get over the size I had to get.
I swear it says 10 here, but I gave my trust to Jerri and let him tell me I really needed an 11 1/2!!! I know, I know...he's the expert here, but I am having a hard time accepting my large increase in shoe size.  I thought 10 was on the big side...but now 11 1/2?

I mean I only fumbled over my new enlarged feet once this morning on a run...


  1. haha 11 1/2!! umm...I measured 7 1/2 and had to get 9 1/2...weird! I blame it on the extra room we have to have in the shoes because around mile 12 or 13 "your feet start to swell about an inch" umm ew?!

  2. Maybe the shoes run small? You can compare your 11's with my Mom's at Christmas! :) I'm proud of all your running. Do you want to run together on Saturday the 18th? That could be fun!

  3. wait a second. i commented on here and now my comment is gone?...:(

  4. oh shoot, i just realized i never officially posted it. oh well, moment over

  5. I went up a whole size when I went there too!
